Carl LaVO
Carl LaVO

Carl LaVO, a graduate of the University of Florida in Gainesville, is a weekly history columnist for Calkins Media.  He retired as assistant managing editor of the Bucks County Courier Times where he continues to serve on the newspaper’s editorial board. An award-winning journalist and photographer, he’s written extensively for Philadelphia magazine, National Wildlife, Down East, Naval History and other publications. He’s also the author of four books published by the Naval Institute Press in Annapolis. His TV appearances include The History Channel series Silent Service and Man, Moment and Machine. A native of California, he’s an experienced scuba diver and led pioneering explorations of water-filled caverns and subterranean rivers of Florida. He’s a longtime resident of Bucks County where he, his wife Mary Anne,  daughter Genevieve, son-in-law Michael and two grandchildren Dashiell and Margaux enjoy exploring the history and sights of the county. His new table-top book, "Bucks County Adventures," includes 25 stories and more than 150 color and black-and-white photographs. 

Dirt Biking and Fine Dining on the Delaware River

My buddy Frank Williams and I love to bike long distances on the Delaware Canal towpath in Bucks County. Nothing puts more of an accent on our adventures than fine dining at one of the area’s many inns and restaurants near the path. Recently, we started at Black Rock Road where it crosses the canal in Lower Makefield and set our sights on New Hope, 13 miles to the west. The scenery, as usual, was…

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Route 412 - A Fall Foliage Lover's Delight!

Summer turns to autumn and memories return of going great lengths to see a maple tree change color. Like flying or driving from my former home in Gainesville, Fla. to New England to see the magnificence of tiny towns awash in the red, orange and yellows of the season. Having lived for many years in Bucks County since then, I now realize all that pulchritude is close at hand – right here. It’s just…

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