Shirley Lee Corsey Headshot
Shirley Lee Corsey

Shirley Lee Corsey is a computer technology professional, a seamstress, and crafter – who develops historical and educational items for adults and children. She is a self-described “historian from the heart” and a native from Yardley, Bucks County. Shirley’s mission includes sharing her knowledge and discovery of hidden figures, places and facts not well known by the general public and/or buried in the historical archives of Bucks County. Shirley is married and the mother of two sons, and is a Board Member of the African American Museum of Bucks County. She is glad her love of history and her hobbies have arrived full circle this time in her life and so honored to be able to share it.

Historic Yardley Borough’s Hidden Figures and Fascinating Facts in Plain Sight

“Hidden-in-plain-sight, meaning – That at some point in time seems to be hidden, but actually is not hidden and is easy to be found.” Three years ago, around this time for Black History Month, I was so honored to tell my 3-part story titled ‘Yardley Through The Years’, sharing photos and documentation about my family, the Lees; an African American family from Historic Yardley Borough. To date…

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Did You Know? Four Facts About Black Americans in Bucks County

In this three-part blog, Bucks County native Shirley (Lee) Corsey recalls life growing up in Yardley Borough as an African American. Her information is based on historic landmarks, newspaper articles, online archives, documented family photos, and first-person oratory. Catch up with Part 1 and Part 2! Visit the Bucks County Visitor Center June 22 - September 7, 2020 to view "Building on a Dream:…

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