Bucks County Residential Holiday Lights Driving Tour

Here we are, on year six of the Visit Bucks Blog’s annual holiday lights driving tour! Before we jump in, I have something to admit: I really didn’t want to drive around this year. Don’t get me wrong, I love the lights! Seeing neighborhoods all decked out, taking part in this tradition with my…

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Amid the Antiques

It’s no secret that Bucks County is home to a considerable amount of history. If you take a drive there, you are bound to pass an old barn, a historic home or a covered bridge. There are remnants of yesteryear scattered all throughout the area and I’ve always enjoyed taking a look at the past. As a recent homeowner, I am looking for a few unique furnishings, so I asked my parents to accompany me on an antique tour of some spots in Lower and Central Bucks County…

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Capturing Aerial Images of Bucks County

I needed to get a bird’s eye view of landmarks and points of interest in Bucks County. This is possible with technology using unmanned aerial vehicles, a.k.a., drones, but I wanted to show a different view of Bucks County by getting high in the sky while taking video, 360 Virtual Reality panoramas and photos of locations in Bucks County. Since some areas are no-fly zones for drones, the only solution to capture these images was to take them from a helicopter…

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Bucks County: See Why the Locals Love It

Visit Bucks County recently partnered with veteran National Geographic photographer, Bob Krist, on a video series entitled, "Bucks County: See Why the Locals Love It." The project of three, short, three-minute cinematic films promote the county as a great tourist destination by using local characters in their element. Filmed by 64-year-old Krist, also a New Hope resident, and 26-year-old Ryan…

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Route 412 - A Fall Foliage Lover's Delight!

Summer turns to autumn and memories return of going great lengths to see a maple tree change color. Like flying or driving from my former home in Gainesville, Fla. to New England to see the magnificence of tiny towns awash in the red, orange and yellows of the season. Having lived for many years in Bucks County since then, I now realize all that pulchritude is close at hand – right here. It’s just…

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Michelle C.'s #BucksCountyMoment: Thompson Neely House

I was fortunate enough to be raised in beautiful Bucks County; New Hope to be exact. I have so many wonderful memories and special places that I still love to visit. My children were visiting over the Christmas holiday. We love to explore the beautiful back roads and I get to share my memories of growing up here. The day this photo was taken we decided to stop at the Thompson-Neely House &…

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